The maker of Oreo, Ritz and Trident contacted Chaco to help them activate their multi-year deal with US Soccer. They wanted more than a campaign: they wanted an authentic “movement”.
OBJECTIVE: identify the central creative strategy, name and visual expression of their sponsorship, to be used in everything from in-store displays, packaging, social media and traditional advertising.

CHALLENGE: to succeed in a sport where your brands lack the relevance of Nike and the history of Coke.
INSIGHT: in the US, soccer is still a poorly understood game. Although it #1 by number of players, 70% of them drop out of the sport by age 12. Being passionate about soccer is like being in love with the “wrong” person in school: fans often have to justify themselves, wishing others only knew how awesome it really is.
SOLUTION: tapping into that insight and leveraging that year’s World Cup, we created Pass The Love. A call for fans everywhere to turn one friend into a fan and thus help the Beautiful Game grow in the US.

“The team is unanimously in love with Pass the Love. You have created a name and visual language that marry our higher-order goals around soccer with our innate Mondelēz mission of creating more moments that matter. Well done!!
Thank you for your considerate thinking. And thank you for working as a true cross-agency team to deliver this for us.”
– Patty Gonzalez, Sr. Marketing Director, Mondelēz.

#PassTheLove took off: after appearing on packs of Oreos and Ritz, fans, players and media adopted it, becoming the rallying cry posted in the team’s World Cup’s lockers and a top trend on Twitter.

The girls kept winning. That year’s final became one of the most watched games in US history, exceeding the previous year’s NBA Finals and World Series.

The ladies won.
Special #PassTheLove confetti was produced and distributed to rain down on them as they paraded down the Canyon of Heroes in downtown New York City. Goal!

“NYC honors Women's World Cup winners with parade”